Our Products

We produce and commercialize a wide range of seasonal fruits
Go to Paraguay


The Paraguay fruit is obtained by natural mutations of the peach tree. It is a variety of peach with similar nutritional characteristics. It is rich in water, antioxidants and dietary fiber, and provides about 50 calories per 100 grams

Go to Nectarine


Nectarines are variants of the peach collected during the summer. They have a high water content. Carbohydrates are the second major nutrient, and contain only protein and lipids.

Go to Peach


Peach is a good source of vitamins and dietary fiber. Due to the high percentage of water it contains and its low intake of sugars is indicated in slimming diets and glucose controls as it only has 39 calories per 100 grams of weight.

Go to Pear


Pear is rich in potassium, which has vasodilatory effects. It helps to regulate blood pressure and to reduce the chances of developing cardiovascular illnesses.

Go to Platerine


Platerine is a variety of peach. Aesthetically, it could be defined as a flat nectarine. Platerine is a sweet fruit, with a good perfume and a very close flavor to Paraguay. Its texture when biting is crunchy and its high water content makes it very juicy.

Go to Apricot


Apricot is an early summer fruit with a delicate fragrance and attractive orange skin and a velvety touch. Its flavor allows us to taste a juicy, firm pulp with a delicious sugary flavor.

About us

40 years of experience guarantee the high quality of our products
Our effort at your service

40 years of experience as a fruit producers have given us a knowledge that allows us to offer a wide range of products of the highest quality.

Our professionals at all times watch for the production, from the field to its distribution.

Fruitoni is synonymous with quality And its priority is to offer an effective and personalized service.

Our Team

Fruitoni is a family business, each member has extensive experience within their sector

Toni Ballesté

General Manager
Antoni Ballesté is the manager of the company. Founder of Fruitoni and third generation of a family of fruit producers for over 60 years.

Isabel Ballesté

Personal Assistant
It is responsible for the accounting of the company, as well as orders, entrances and exits of fruit, logistics and transport.

Mireia Pomar

Export Manager
Responsible for international relations, import and export as well as everything related to the marketing of the company.

Our goal is to take the maximum care of our fruits to guarantee the highest quality to the consumer. Control its journey from the entrance to our facilities to its departure. Serve our customers what they ask us on the date, packaging and agreed quality.

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